Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Tourist Traps and Tour Guides
The Girls
In an attempt to keep my post trip depression at bay, I’ll continue on with my favorite things from India list. One of the most incredible aspects of this trip that I never expected was the friendships that were formed by many of us in the group. It’s always a little worrisome to go on a group trip not knowing many people, but my worries were quickly assuaged within the first few days of our journey because we really did have many amazing individuals. If I had time to go through and give a short bio on everyone, I would, but I want to at least recognize my project group members—also the women with whom I was closest throughout the past three weeks—and whom I hope to continue friendships with long, long after our journey.
Meagan, my fellow MPH CBH department cohort member and classmate, travel companion, and dear friend before this trip—I could not have done it, or had such a glowing experience—without her. She went to Illinois State University for her undergrad in Health Education. She is both wise beyond her years and one of the most caring and thoughtful people I’ve ever known. This picture is of us on a bridge overlooking the great Ganga.
Kim is a graduate student in engineering, but comes from a liberal arts background. She is an incredible woman with the most beautiful children; two young teens from Cambodia, a 7- year old from Haiti, and an infant, Gracie. Listening to her stories of other travel experiences (like the trips to get her children), and discussing innovative research papers on subjects like ‘The Water Poverty Index’ (among many others), I could not have been happier to have to opportunity to spend time with and befriend this amazing woman. I know that Meagan and I will continue to work with her in the future. The picture of Kim standing in the middle of me and 4 other girls, in her beautiful orange/gold salwar kameez was specifically taken to show off her new clothes her very stylish daughter Sophie (13).
Meredith was on this course as her last requirement of her undergraduate degree at Iowa. Her degree is in Political Science but the purposes of this course were specifically for her Sustainability certificate. She was such an asset to our team in so many ways, but her interest and passion for learning about the tribal governance issues was much needed. Meagan and I said many times that we never want to travel without her in our lives again, as she is such an advocate and strong voice to have on your side ensuring that no advantage would be taken of us as first timers to India.
Kristina is an undergraduate in Environmental Engineering, and was instrumental to have in our group for the actual process of water testing. One of the pictures shows her (on the far right) and Meredith next to her actually taking samples from some of the villagers we interviewed. She is an avid photographer, whom I went to for advice on my own camera, but also whom I saw many people in our group trying to watch and imitate—as we knew that if she was standing snapping away from a certain angel—it had to be a good shot! She unfortunately got sick with a version of what Meagan and I had on the last days of our trip, and as a precautionary measure, Meredith, Meagan, and I got to experience the Indian hospital system the last night in Delhi, when we took her to be checked out.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Babies and Bananas
Another very heartwarming experience for me has been the times I was able to give something to children in need—whether it be kids in the villages, or children beggars on the street. One common food that most hotel breakfasts seemed to include was bananas, and these were actually the only fruit that we could eat without worry because they have such a thick and impenetrable skin/peel. Anyway, on the first day out in Mewat, Meagan and I both packed extra bananas in our bags because we knew we’d get hungry out in the field at some point. Well, it didn’t take us long to realize the conditions that the children in the Mewat villages grow up with in terms of food availability, so at one of the villages that afternoon I tried to hand my banana to one of the little girls that was following us around. To my extreme dismay, she turned and looked at me like I was trying to kill her, and scurried away. I asked one of the guides we were with and she said something like it wouldn’t be okay for her to accept anything from us for cultural reasons that I wouldn’t understand. I felt pretty devastated at this news, and so guilty for carrying around a banana that I knew would be so enjoyed by one of these hungry children. We finally moved on to see the last water tank on our itinerary for that day, and there we were surrounded by teenage boys and older men almost exclusively.
However, I did notice one young girl, maybe 9 years old, and every time I’d look at her I’d give a tiny grin—knowing that she probably was not technically “allowed” to smile back. But amazingly, every time that I did sneak a glance and grin her way, she’d reiterate the smile even bigger, and we’d enter into an infectious (and sneaky) huge smile exchange—all within the safety of our head scarves of course.
This sneaky glancing and smiling went on between us for the whole 20-30 minutes our group was there, and I felt almost overwhelmed with sadness to have to leave this little girl, with whom I’d had such an intense unspoken, yet undeniable connection. It dawned on me that maybe if another Indian offered her the banana she could accept it, and I thought it was worth a try. This was the first time I really interacted personally with Rash Kumar, (another one of my favorites from this trip—the best driver EVER) and I pointed to the girl and handed him my banana from inside of our van, and amazingly, he understood, called her over, and beaming, she accepted a banana from both Meagan and I.
All the little boys and men that were around her just looked at her jealously and almost mockingly—but she just broke into the most proud and shy grin I’ve ever seen and stood holding her bananas staring at us until we were out of sight. She will have a place in my heart and memory forever, and I so appreciate my exchange with her, it’s actually very hard to accurately put it into words. After that experience, I began taking bananas with me every time our hotel offered them and I’ve given them to children beggars (which we encounter all too often) whenever possible.
The last two pictures are of another little girl with whom I had a similar secret smiling exchange during my time at her village, only she and the other children were very willing and interested in being photographed, as compared to the children from our first day in Mewat. The last photo is an example of being swarmed—but one that was safe and I totally enjoyed. This was when all the children at one village crowded around our vans with such excitement and happiness that the drivers could barely drive away. We left that village saying to each other “well, now we know what it’s like to be Brittany Spears…” and honestly—that has been how we’ve felt many, many times during our stay in India.